Our Process

Hemp oil contains many cannabinoid compounds naturally found in marijuana and hemp. In the U.S., Hemp oil products are made from industrial hemp (not Marijuana) and must contain less than 0.3% THC to be legal.

Our plant variety has been specifically chosen to handle northern Michigan's climate and to adhere to the low THC count. Once fully matured, we hand cut and stripped each plant of their flowers (buds). The buds were then hung dried over a period of time and put into sacks for transportation. We chose a processing facility in the mid Michigan area and used the ethanol process because of it's evolution into one of the safest and most efficient methods to extract oil from hemp flower (as opposed to CO2 or hydrocarbons). It took over a 1000 lbs of hemp flower to yield 21 kilograms of crude oil.

With the crude oil in hand, we continued our purification process at a facility in Los Angeles where the terpenes and volatile compounds were removed utilizing heat, steam, and vacuum pressure to separate the chemical compounds within the concentrate to form a concentrated Distillate. At this stage, terpenes and flavonoids were extracted from the mixture leaving behind the sought after cannabinoids, a total of about 75%-80% extract with a light natural flavor and a consistency of golden honey.

From there, we transferred the precious Distillate to a GMP Certified & FDA Registered production house in Utah where our signature blend of Distillate and essential oils were formulated to taste and manufactured.

Our signature first batch of sparkling Wild Orange has been a two-year process from seed to bottle. We consider this crop like a fine wine, handled with care every step of the way. Our hope is that it brings you as much enjoyment as we had creating it.